冬去春來 自然 山水一色 天成

冬去春來 自然 山水一色 天成
冬去春來 自然 。。。。。 山水一色 天成



2006年到巴基斯坦的活動中需要用到的數來寶, 網路上找不到, 只好自己看著觀光局的宣傳短片, 寫下可以用的內容, 再一句一句找韻腳寫出來. 為了讓外國人了解, 也請同行友人:易先生翻了英文.

講台灣  說台灣 觀光七桃好留戀 有高山  有大海 還有美麗好風彩
When you speak of Taiwan, there will be great memories of place for tours. There are beautiful moutains and wonderful sea views.
寶島台灣風景水 從南到北山和水 景觀變化千萬款 親像自然博物館
Taiwan has beautiful places for sight seeings, thats located  all over the places. The views of Taiwan is like a nature outdoor museum.
名聲響亮阿里山 還有南投日月潭 各種資源很豐富 吃的用的攏總有
The well known Mt Ah Li and Lake Nanto, and all the rich resources of food and all.
運動健行爬山去 還有划浪藏水味 各種温泉概稀奇 五星飯店款待你
There are many places for outdoor activities, mountain climbing and surfing. You'll also find thermal pools and the avaliability of Five Star hotel.
傳統建築真講究 雕樑畫棟真細秀 現代建設用科技 親像台北101
You will find the state of art buildings built in the early times and also the stylish building of Taipei 101.
走路口渴不必怕 果子會甜最出名 紅龍果 水蜜桃 檬子蓮霧和浮桃
There is no need of worrying for thirst because the juicy and sweetness of fruit are of convenience, these are like peaches, lianwu and grapes.
邊行邊吃南北味 出名好吃在夜市 蚵啊麵線摻肉圓 也有黑輪跟魚丸
Fufill with all delicious food at night market these are like oysta noodle, Taiwanese meat ball along with fish balls
不但吃食很澎沛 文化演出也真精彩 身騎白馬歌仔戲 金光閃閃布袋戲
Not only the food is delicious but the culture performance is also fantastic. The Taiwanese culture performance and the hand puppet were also fabulous.
包羅萬象民俗節 融合民族智慧多 原住民 豐年祭 大家相招別客氣
There are Taiwanese Culture celebrations which involved with a variety of different races this includes the aboriginal celebraions.
塩水蜂炮咻咻叫 元霄燈謎大家猜 肉粽龍船五日節 月餅團圓中秋節
Fireworks, lanterns, rice dumpling and moon cakes are to be seen.
天燈水燈求平安 媽姐繚街保佑咱 三年一輪燒王船 祝福大家順順順
The sky lanterns, water lanterns are the blessings of buddha, there are also the ritual ceremoney of burning down the king boat to bless all.
四界遊玩玩不善 交通快速真方便 腳踏車 黑度醜  高速鐵路飛著駛
There are funs to be discovered all over which you will not be tired of. The convenience of transportation are from bicycle to high speed rails.
現代化 的設備 給咱坐了真舒適 全球網路來相挺 真正天涯若比鄰 啊若比鄰
The equipement of current technology gave us the most comfort. With the connection of global networks which made all continents are like neightbourhood.

